We began to realize that the scientific community was right in categorizing personality typing as pseudoscience due to the unreliable nature of self-administered tests.
The human brain has a self-serving bias that can distort our perception, desiring to see ourselves only in the best light, often ignoring things about ourselves that conflict with what we want to believe. Many people doing self type tests will not only see themselves differently from one day to the next, but will often type themselves upside down from how they behave in real life. The brain will obsess over a personality trait that it desires, but will habitually perform the actions of the opposite personality trait, believing that is how they will get what they desire. Creating a dangling carrot on a stick to the human running on a hamster wheel. Always desiring but never achieving.
The brain then hides or excuses these behaviors under external circumstances outside themselves like: I was affected by my upbringing, I was modified, others around me stopped me from getting what I truly want. In seeing this pattern in our own selves and others, we became determined to seek objectivity in some way to get around the subjective self story. We knew the patterns of a potential genetic personality were there, we just needed to find an objective way to track it, knowing we were going up against the intense subjective story in all of us.
To address this issue, we sought to conduct tests that would be independent of an individual's bias, thus providing more validity to their typing. We hoped that if two of us could type the same person and arrive at the same result consistently, it would give validity to the human patterns we believed we were seeing. Little did we know what we were getting ourselves into. When we began typing without the influence of the other partner, we quickly encountered the same problem that Carl Jung and Freud did: different answers for the same person. Over the course of a decade, we worked tirelessly to unravel the patterns we were seeing, using Carl Jung's Functions, Tony Robbins' Human Needs, and punnett squares.
We were looking for patterns that had to be binary in order to avoid the Barnum effect so they couldn’t just apply to everyone. What we also found was that it wasn't a matter of "Do you have this coin or that coin?”, it was “Which coin do you overuse, and which coin do you consistently avoid?” We started calling the overused Functions "Saviors", because when a person uses their 2 dominant Functions, they believe this is how they'll save the world. To the human mind, Utopia is a place where only our Saviors are needed. Those that have “variety” as a Savior Function, demand a world with no rules and constant change. Those that have “routine” as a Savior Function, demand a world with no chaos and constant order. We called the underused Functions Demons, because people unconsciously see their weaker Functions as the source of the world's problems, therefore demonizing them. More on this in “The Other Side of Typing”.
Over these years, we would discover a total of 9 binary coins that could be objectively typed as either a Savior or Demon Function. The 9 coins create a combination of 512 types. With each discovery of a coin, we became more and more accurate at getting the same type as each other. Once our typing scores were high enough, we decided to make our findings public so we could share these discoveries with others. When we started gathering images to organize the types in Google Docs, we saw that there are genetic similarities within the types. Hair color, facial features, sexual preference, genetic diseases, etc. Some of them would look like twins separated at birth. This lead us to believe these types are genetic and can be tracked all the way from birth. Someday there will be genetic testing to show the 9 coins, and until that day we are honing in our skills with each typing. And even If two people agree on a type, that doesn't automatically equal accuracy.
We are currently basing our attempt at objectivity on these 3 principles:
Getting the same type as each other out of 512 types with a 70-90% accuracy.
The statistical impossibility of this is really high, but this still doesn't guarantee that we are correct. -
Getting the same type as each other out of 512 types with a 70-90% accuracy, consistently for 4,000+ people.
The statistical impossibility of this is impossibly high, but this still doesn't guarantee that we are correct. -
Tracking and predicting behaviors to test our theories of a person's type.
This is where interesting scientific method procedure meets personal practical use by solving the tidalwaves of depression and anxiety. If you can predict what a person blames, or how a person behaves when they run into problems, you reveal the patterns behind where each person is shooting themselves in the foot. Our code has given us a clear roadmap for human struggles that we once thought impossible to solve.
Because the human is hiding the real causes for the recurring tidalwaves in their lives, our typing practice has become about tracking the emotional state, unconscious leak outs, patterns of behavior, life piles, crashes, and NOT the person's subjective story about why they keep getting stuck. And now that we’ve typed 1,000’s of people, we hear the exact same stories over and over. Each person believes that they got that trait from their mom, a one time event, or because of where they grew up. And yet, it is the exact word for word story from everyone with that same Savior Function. But because each person is isolated inside their own subjective story, they have no idea that the person right next to them with the same Saviors, has the same struggles and fears with a completely different upbringing. It’s now becoming more and more easy to track these Functions, because it’s like hearing the same 9 songs over and over.
So where do we go from here? We are currently sharing our findings in a weekly class, and typing as many people as possible. We are also building up our small team to handle future endeavors where the very code to personality is very much needed, and in high demand. Eventually when we get enough people on our team, we’ll be able to go beyond merely handing someone their type with a “good luck hope you make it” email, and instead offer more practical solutions to the problems they face based on our findings.
You would think the hardest part of this whole journey would be discovering the code. What's actually been the most difficult is watching how much the human mind resists fully seeing itself. Imagine that friend you know who's very extroverted, that expends the most energy out of everyone you know, typing themselves as the most introverted person on the 512 spectrum. And then fighting and dying on that sword. All while expending energy to do so. And unfortunately, this is the norm, not the exception that we keep seeing. We've experienced that when most people see the code they type themselves as everything BUT their actual type.
So the natural thing is to blame the self typing tests as to why psychology has been stuck in the dark ages, but after we started this objective typing journey, we realized that this is what the human mind wants. And after typing so many people and watching everyone go through this process, the best way I can describe it is like watching someone go through a mourning period. Most eventually make it out, but even the ones that do often go through a long time period of deep reflection and consciousness. There are several things we see going on when watching people typing themselves upside down. Our current theory is that if the brain gives positive hormones when you do your Saviors, and negative hormones when you do your Demons, then your mind will do whatever it takes to keep using Saviors at all cost. Including tricking itself by using unconsciousness and blame.
Here are the common Demon vs Savior myths we've been observing over the years:
Difficulty vs Unconsciously Responsible: When we do one ounce of our Demon Functions it feels like climbing Mount Everest. That amazing feeling that comes when we conquer a difficult task creates a delusion that we're actually really good at that thing now. It's like watching a toddler brag about tying their shoes. We seem to mistake the struggle and conquering of an act requiring our Demons, for something that is "obviously" our strength. Because of the "brain wake up" experience, we give more weight to our Demon Function use, and ignore what we unconsciously do all day long like our Saviors.
Desire vs Unconsciously Responsible: We also see that the brain seems to want and desire the benefits of the Demon Functions, but will still spend all day doing our Saviors unconsciously to try and get the other Functions. This is like the person that says they are obsessively controlling, see themselves as a big picture planner, and desire stability. But in reality their version of planning is to keep options open by gathering as many pathways as possible in case they change their mind last minute. Which actually creates anxiety, instability and uncertainty for all parties involved, including themselves.
Ability vs Unconsciously Responsible: What better way to get to keep doing our Saviors then for the brain to tell us that we actually suck at them and that we should keep working to get better at them. The mind will filter information coming in that says our personal perspective of how good or not good we are at our Saviors all of a sudden equals that they can't possibly be something you are doing all day long. In reality, because of the addiction to the Saviors, we'll get an imbalance that causes many problems including getting the opposite effect that we desire.
Think of the Saviors like an addiction, that have a self protecting mechanism built in which is unconsciousness and blame. The Saviors are done all day, every day, in a calm state because the brain is unconsciously responsible for them. We don't realize we're doing them because the process is much like breathing. So as you can imagine, something that was designed to not be seen or toiled with, when you stare right at it, it can cause some grief. And yes, getting typed and seeing your code is a lot like going through the stages of grief. If the mind is still full of resistance, knowing one's code can actually be too painful for those not ready to start this journey. This typing process is not just as simple as "Here's your type and now you can solve all your life's problems!" The code is just one piece of the puzzle that seems to speed up the process of growth for anyone that is already on a self growth path.
Seeing everyone go through this intense resistance really allowed us to see how much we were hiding our recurring patterns from our own selves. To save ourselves the time it would take to reinvent the wheel, we sought to learn from those that had made it through existential crisis and delusion to see what their journeys were like. We found stories of people who've made it to the other side of zen, freedom, peace, and relief from suffering. Stories like Byron Katie, Jim Carrey, Sadghuru, Goggins, Jocko, Gary Vee, and many more. No one is perfect, but the overall theme of their journeys was all the same. Each one of them had a breakdown where they hit rock bottom, and instead of running from their fears and pains, they practiced running towards their Demon Functions.
If fear comes from underusing Demon Functions, the answer to depression and anxiety is simple. Instead of hiding our Demons in a closet, get conscious of them, and build practices that strengthen those muscles. But the beginning stages of cleaning out the closet can be quite overwhelming. The more conscious we become of the default programs, the more it can create an existential darkness. The feeling is like seeing way more problems and still not being able to do anything about it. And this is the most difficult part of the entire journey. While dealing with the discouragement of seeing that we've been creating all our own problems, we still have to choose to baby step our way out of the pit. This is where the ego dies, all the social constructs melt away, and we decide to logically and emotionally die to our past self, so we can then build a life free of our Demon fears.
Now it's time to blindly believe that with each baby step, we can build back up our damaged hippocampus by following through with small self promises. This slow and painful process is the right of passage where we grow into responsible adults. And instead of fearing our Demons, it's now time to create mental workouts that bring peace, joy, and control over the tidalwaves in our lives. The Hero's Journey is not about the path that we're on, it's who we become on whatever path we choose. So when you hit rock bottom and your Saviors didn't actually save you, let go of fighting the Universe, give up the ego, and you can find meaning in life. And the meaning in life is simple. Grow into the best version of yourself by moving towards things you once feared, And now that you are abundant, it's time to come back around and give back that same peace to others.
We are constantly exploring these themes whenever we type someone. We're very curious about how someone's either blinded or awakened themselves on this journey, and how we can grow from every person we type.
How can I be a part?
You can watch our YouTube channel where we share snippets from old classes.
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You can get video typed by us. We offer typing to members that have been in our class for 90 days.
We are currently only hiring people with 2-4 years of entrepreneurial experience.
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